Thursday, May 29, 2008

Anugerah Band 2008 Episode #4

Here's episode #4 (unfortunately i do not have episode #3, this is MP3 audio, so hopefully no more audio problems..):


1. X-Tech - Isi Dan Kulit

2. Edmushyta - Di Alam Fana Cintarnu

3. Fatskunks - Punchcard

4. Cucu Datok Merah - Cinta Tak Keruan

5. Helven - Romantika D'Amor

Of the five bands, X-Tech is my favorite they're more "complete", i don't really like Edmushyta's vocals (he can sing.. but it just doesn't do it for me, personal opinion..)

I feel Fatskunks is the dark horse, they have an outside choice of winning, i do enjoy their performances....

Cucu Datok Merah's performance was alot better than their previous one, they used their vocal strength to much better effect this time, doing harmony instead of taking turns to sing...

Since i don't understand malay(yes i am not malay, in case you didn't know..), i didn't know the other guitarist, Irfan, pulled-out of the competition because of work commitments until erm.. just before posting this entry....
anyway since they decided to join the competition with the vocalist (Ramsey..?), Helven should just stick to rap since the dude can't really sing that well (no offence bro)..


Aim Page said...

Bro (Alleycat cakap.. TERIMAKASIH!!) for the anugerah video u upload cause I've got to see them live due to working.Thanks again .

Anonymous said...

can u pls upload the performance for episode 3...i am actually intereseted to watch the band 'putra' performance...i will be so grateful!!

thanks bro!!!

Mark~L said...

sorry bro, i myself don't have that episode :(

Anonymous said...

oh it's alrite bro!!...thanks for botherin to upload all these vids in the first place!!

btw...'putra' will be playin next week...hope u can record it...coz i'll be @work again...heheh...thanks!!