Orange offers 3000pound reward for news of 141 Orange Tiny Terror Combos stolen from Orange HQ on 16th August...
"Thieves broke into Orange HQ at Borehamwood on Saturday night (16th August) and stole. 141 Tiny Terror combos with a total retail value of £62,000. . So far, 121 Tiny Terror combos have been legitimately shipped into the UK and . 2 pieces to Hungary, no others have been shipped anywhere in Europe.. . CLICK ON 'MORE...' ABOVE FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF THE SERIAL NUMBERS OF. THE STOLEN ITEMS.. . . If you are offered a Tiny Terror combo or hear of somebody else who is, . please contact info@omec.com to help us and the police with investigations.. .. There will be a £3000 reward for information which results in the successful. conviction of the criminals who carried out this theft. ."
Stolen Tiny Terror Combos serial number list:
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