Sunday, August 31, 2008
Ibanez Jemini Distortion Pedal Demo
Famous PedalBoards -> Johnny Greenwood [Radiohead]

Apart from the guitar Greenwood also plays the viola, organ, piano, xylophone, glockenspiel, ondes Martenot, banjo, harmonica and the drums.
And here are his boards:
BOSS SD-1 Super Overdrive
BOSS RV-3 Digital Reverb/Delay
BOSS LS2 Line Selector
Marshall ShredMaster
BOSS FV-300H Volume Pedal
Akai Headrush E1/E2
Digitech WH-1 Whammy
Demeter "The Tremulator"
DOD 440 Envelope Filter
Electro-Harmonix Poly Chorus
Electro-Harmonix Small Stone
BOSS LS2 Line Selector
BOSS TU-12H Chromatic Tuner
The Humans are DEAD
Flight Of The Conchords - The Humans Are Dead
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Go! Lily Go!!

'I needed to shout for these people'
~ Dr Lily Neo (Jalan Besar GRC)
Dr Lily Neo was speaking up for low-income families who are not eligible for Public Assistance because one or both of the parents are working.
"The cleaners, the hawker assistants who, despite the Government's mantra of helping citizens help themselves, are so down and out they have no way of helping themselves"
'They see the rich, and they see Singapore progressing,' said Dr Neo. 'But then they say, look at me, what chance do I have?'"
"Halfway through the marathon parliamentary session, Dr Lily Neo (Jalan Besar GRC) suddenly waved a piece of paper frantically at the Speaker, Mr Abdullah Tarmugi, like a latecomer flagging a departing bus.
When she got no response, she stood up, walked to the rostrum and stopped the Speaker from moving on to the next question."
"She had asked the Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, a three-point question.
One, whether his Ministry is monitoring how lower-income Singaporeans are being affected by inflation and the stagnation of wages.
Two, whether the available assistance is lessening their difficulties.
And three, whether there will be other measures to ensure that no one falls through the cracks.
In her reply, Minister of State Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, who was standing in for Dr Balakrishnan, listed the different assistance schemes available, and cited examples of families which benefit from the schemes.
Then, before she knew it... 'Question 8!'
The Speaker had signalled the House to move on to the next question, tabled by Dr Lam Pin Min (Ang Mo Kio GRC).
In the row above her, Dr Lam was already rising to acknowledge the Speaker.
That was when Dr Neo lost her cool."
Read More:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The lack of assistance for the people who fall through the cracks has been around for a long time and it is made worse by the current high inflationary environment which is not likely to ease in the near future.
I see more & more grannies collecting empty cans out of rubbish bins just to earn the mere few cents & i wonder why they need to do that when the Singapore government is rich.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Are Printer companies screwing with you?

Yes they are...
"Is your printer lying to you? If you own a Brother inkjet printer, that's probably a big yes. As Slate magazine reports, a clever chap over at has discovered a nasty little secret of Brother printers; a secret that could cost you hundreds of dollars over the life of the offending gadget. And yet all you need to bypass it is a small piece of tape."
Read More:
Monday, August 25, 2008
Famous PedalBoards -> Paul Gilbert

ADA Flanger
[Some pedals may not be in the pictures..]
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Famous PedalBoards -> Guthrie Govan

Here's he's pedalboard:

[some pedals may not be in the pictures..]
Friday, August 22, 2008
Oranges stolen!!

Orange offers 3000pound reward for news of 141 Orange Tiny Terror Combos stolen from Orange HQ on 16th August...
"Thieves broke into Orange HQ at Borehamwood on Saturday night (16th August) and stole. 141 Tiny Terror combos with a total retail value of £62,000. . So far, 121 Tiny Terror combos have been legitimately shipped into the UK and . 2 pieces to Hungary, no others have been shipped anywhere in Europe.. . CLICK ON 'MORE...' ABOVE FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF THE SERIAL NUMBERS OF. THE STOLEN ITEMS.. . . If you are offered a Tiny Terror combo or hear of somebody else who is, . please contact to help us and the police with investigations.. .. There will be a £3000 reward for information which results in the successful. conviction of the criminals who carried out this theft. ."
Stolen Tiny Terror Combos serial number list:
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Anugerah Band 2008 Final
(includes performance by Cradle & the "All-Star" performance!)
Effect Pedals - #8 - Boss Digital Delay-6

I've only ever had one Delay pedal...and this is it...Boss DD-6
The 1st Boss delay pedal to feature true stereo delay and panning effects
It also has a Reverse mode which i never really used for any real playing...
There's also a Warp mode which is also rarely used...sometimes i wonder why i got this, since i only really use the normal short & long delays..guess i'm not that experimental when it comes to using delays....
oh theres also the Hold function which is able to record phrases up to 5,200ms......yes you guessed it..i dont use it either! :P
Effect Pedals - #7 - ProCo Rat2

i tried it for...i cant really remember... maybe 30mins...and decided thats it...byebye Rat..
it just wasn't the sound for was too "stoner" sounding and didn't sound great when palm muted (or maybe its just me..)
Plain Sunset - River Song FREE

To celebrate the nations 43rd Birthday, Plain Sunset has made the River Song available for free download here:
The link will be available until 21st September
Effect Pedals - #6 - Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi

Got a Fuzz pedal cuz i was really into The Smashing Pumpkins at that time, fuzz is used alot in their music...
Until today i am still learning how to use this effect effectively (pun not intended), its wonderful for that huge wall-of-sound effect...also great for those softer moments if you set it to a lower setting..
I do not own this pedal anymore...nothing wrong with the sound...but its just to damn big to carry around...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Dave Navarro learns Guitar
Monday, August 11, 2008
Camera Obscura Live in Singapore

The scottish indie-pop band plays on the 29th of Oct @ The Esplanade Concert Hall
more info here:,M!bI8Q_h1XBHTJ.rMJKCSgmC9X.HZ49ihNgr,zsCF4BbI.sJFM
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Effect Pedals - #5 -Jim Dunlop Crybaby 535 Chrome

I like crybabies...i think they're the best sounding mass-produced wah pedals out there..
i owned the 535 Chrome version for awhile....its probably one of the prettiest wah pedal out there with the shiny chrome chassis
it sounded good, but i needed more i sold it & got myself a 535Q
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Happy Birthday Mark!

Saturday, August 2, 2008
[Un]Sound is playlisted!

Unbelievablely some imeem users have added "Moondance" & "Blood River" to their playlist!
[Un]Sound is sandwiched between SOAD & Dashboard Confessional!
([Un]Sound is my user/artist name on Imeem)
Three New Recordings...

Uploaded three new recordings to my imeem, "In Mind", "Wayward" & "GiganTus"...
i actually recorded vocals for "In Mind" but my voice sounds quite bad (hahahahha!) i uploaded the "voiceless" version..... heh